Tamarindus indica ( Tamarind ) – Tube stock


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A slow-growing semi-deciduous tree which can attain a height of 30m in the wild. It has a short, stocky trunk with greyish brown, fissured bark
The dome-shaped crown is porus and the tree makes a good windbreak.
The clusters of pale yellow flowers turn into curved, rust colored pods.

The flowers, leaves, seedlings and pulp of the riped fruit are edible.
An introduced species originally from Africa.
The fruit pulp is used in Indian and Southeast Asian cooking to achieve a sour taste.
The fruit is a brownish, slightly flattened, pod, curved at times, 5-18 cm long and 2-2,5 cm broad, containing up to 12 seeds, almost quadrangular, of a dark brown to glossy blackish colour.

Prefers full sun, and tolerates a wide range of soil textures and soil pH, from very acidic (pH4.5) to alkaline (pH8.7).
Requires moderate watering.
Young plants may get damages by temperatures close to the 0 °C, adult ones are reported as having resisted to almost -4 °C for a short time.

Altitudinal range from near sea level to 450 m.
Grows in disturbed gallery forest and monsoon forest.


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