Deplanchea tetraphylla (golden bouquet)


Altitudinal range from sea level to 600 m.
Usually not found in well developed rain forest but grows in beach forest, monsoon forest and on rain forest margins.

6 in stock



This native shrub or small tree has large, simple usually obovate leaves, opposite or whorled and clustered towards the ends of the branches.
The flowers are in large clusters at the end of the branches, the yellow corolla is trumpet-shaped; fruit a flat follicle to 15 cm long, seeds numerous with papery wings.

– Natural History & Notes –
One of the common names used for this species (Wallaby Wireless Tree) alludes to the fact that wallabies are fond of the fallen flowers of this species and once the flowers fall, the news seems to spread quickly throughout the wallaby population, who then assemble to partake of the apparently tasty fare.


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