Terminalia sericocarpa (Damson) – Tube stock


It is one of the few fully deciduous local tropical rainforest tree species.
In Spring , the flush of lime green new growth makes it is easy to spot on the Cairns hill sides.

5 in stock



Terminalia sericocarpa is a semideciduous tree with a wide-spreading, semi-open crown, it can grow 10 – 40 metres tall.
The straight, cylindrical bole can be unbranched for up to half the height of the tree, up to 200cm in diameter with buttresses at the base.

Around springs & swamps, rocky creek beds in western Australia, at elevations up to 750 metres
Usually grows in well developed rain forest but also found in drier rain forest, monsoon forest and gallery forest.

It grows best in areas where the mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures are within the range 22 – 38°c, though it can tolerate 12 – 45°c.
It prefers a mean annual rainfall in the range 850 – 1,900mm, though can tolerate from 600 – 2,100mm.

Requires a sunny position.
Plants are tolerant of shade.
Prefers a well-drained, medium to light soil.

The fruit is usually harvested when it falls to the ground.


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