Licuala ramsayi (Fan Palm)- Pot


It is not frost tolerant.
A very slow-growing plant.

5 in stock



Licuala ramsayi is an evergreen, usually solitary-stemmed palm tree usually growing up to 15 metres tall, exceptionally to 20 metres.
Young plants have sharp spines on the leaf bases.
Occasionally the plant will produce more than one stem.

Licuala ramsayi has a wide distribution and is not currently experiencing any major threats and no significant future threats have been identified.

[ Habitat ] : Swamp rainforest and river banks, mainly on the coastal plain.
A plant of the lowland, moist tropics, where it is usually found within 20 kilometres of the coast, at elevations up to 450 metres
It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 22 – 32°c, but can tolerate 13 – 36°c.

It prefers a mean annual rainfall in the range 2,400 – 3,600mm, but tolerates 1,600 – 4,400mm.

Young plants require shade, tolerating even heavy shade.
They prefer increasing light levels as they grow and can eventually tolerate full sun.
Prefers a medium to heavy, fertile soil.


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