Glochidion ferdinandi ( Cheese Tree )-Tube Stock


Medium evergreen fast-growing tree with dense foliage and greenish-yellow flowers followed by Edam cheese-shaped yellow fruit that opens to reveal red seeds. 
* Attracts birds
* Butterfly host
* Good shade tree

3 in stock



A small to medium densely growing tree to 15 m with simple, alternate, pseudo-pinnate leaves.
Common, hardy, and usually found on margins of rainforest and along scrubby watercourses.

Male and female flowers on the same plant.
Flowers with 6 greenish to yellowish ‘petals‘ each 2–3 mm long.
Flowers single or in few-flowered clusters.

The fruit can be white, cream, pale green and orange to red when ripe.
They are roundish, ribbed, resembling miniature Queensland Blue pumpkins (not really resembling cheeses).
The seeds are bright red and are attractive to birds.

* Aspect : Full sun / Filtered sun
* Soil : Moist , Well-composted


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