Maniltoa lenticellata (Cascading Bean)- Tube stock


  • Screening, Accent & Filler

  • Bird & Butterfly attracting

  • Fragrant Flowers


7 in stock



Maniltoa lenticellata is an evergreen tree with a dense crown; it can grow from 7.5 – 42 metres tall.
The straight, cylindrical bole can be 12 – 60cm in diameter, sometimes with buttresses up to 3 metres high.

The plant is becoming popular in horticulture as a tree in larger gardens producing outstanding cream to pinkish flushes of new growth.

[ Habitat ] : A sub-canopy and canopy tree in open, high rain forest and monsoon forest, forest edges; at elevations up to 1,050 metres.

* Light Preference : Full sun
* Water Preference : Moderate Water
* Plant Growth Rate : Moderate

Highly sought after medium sized flowering tree native to tropical North Queensland and the Torres Strait.
Attractive weeping form with new leaves released in a spectacular cascade of white foliage.
Bright bursts of large white heavily scented fruity-smelling flowers.
Excellent rounded canopy providing full shade.



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