Delonix regia (Royal poinciana) – Tube stock


One of the World’s Most Striking Flowering Trees !

• Excellent shade tree
• Little to no maintenance
• Container friendly
• Wildlife attractant

3 in stock



It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of orange-red flowers over summer.

One of the most spectacular of tropical trees.
Delonix regia is a tree with a broad-spreading , umbrella-like canopy of lacy, feathery green leaves cut into many small leaflets.

This fast growing deciduous tree creates a canopy of fiery red flowers that will make your home the beacon of the neighborhood.

*  Pests and disease are rarely an issue.
*  It also has a high wind resistance, but it can stand gusts even better with a low branch prune.
* Light : Full sun, and it can handle almost any kind of soil except for clay.

* Don’t plant too close to your house / driveways / sidewalks :
The Poinciana is a fast grower (up to 150cm a year), so make sure you plant the tree no closer than 460cm from your home.
Also plant away from driveways and sidewalks since the long shallow roots can create foundation issues.
Use the Poinciana as a single specimen tree and don’t plant anything underneath the tree since its roots will outcompete for nutrients with other plants.
But, consider using companion plants, like a hibiscus or goldmound spirea, in other parts of your yard to complement the tree’s brilliant reds.


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