Luffa (Loofah Sponge Plant) – Tube Stock


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Luffa (Loofah Sponge Plant) – Tube Stock

This wide known plant is native to Asia and comes from the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae).
Cultivated for is fruits that can be eaten or dried and used as natural sponges.
The fruits take roughly 90 to 120 days to grow and up to 200 days if harvesting for sponges.
Loofahs prefer hotter climates and thrive when fully exposed to the sun.
They generally prefer moist soils however when established are known to be drought tolerant.
Loofahs prefer soils within a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5, however are known to grow in any soil type as long as it is well-draining.

Light Preference – Direct sun
Water Preference – Every week, once established
Typical Size – 6m to 10m